सामग्री पर जाएँ

लिनक्स/linux-0.01.tar/kernel/rs io.s

विकिविश्वविद्यालय से
 *    rs_io.s
 * This module implements the rs232 io interrupts.

.globl _rs1_interrupt,_rs2_interrupt

size    = 1024                /* must be power of two !
                       and must match the value
                       in tty_io.c!!! */

/* these are the offsets into the read/write buffer structures */
rs_addr = 0
head = 4
tail = 8
proc_list = 12
buf = 16

startup    = 256        /* chars left in write queue when we restart it */

 * These are the actual interrupt routines. They look where
 * the interrupt is coming from, and take appropriate action.
.align 2
    pushl $_table_list+8
    jmp rs_int
.align 2
    pushl $_table_list+16
    pushl %edx
    pushl %ecx
    pushl %ebx
    pushl %eax
    push %es
    push %ds        /* as this is an interrupt, we cannot */
    pushl $0x10        /* know that bs is ok. Load it */
    pop %ds
    pushl $0x10
    pop %es
    movl 24(%esp),%edx
    movl (%edx),%edx
    movl rs_addr(%edx),%edx
    addl $2,%edx        /* interrupt ident. reg */
    xorl %eax,%eax
    inb %dx,%al
    testb $1,%al
    jne end
    cmpb $6,%al        /* this shouldn't happen, but ... */
    ja end
    movl 24(%esp),%ecx
    pushl %edx
    subl $2,%edx
    call jmp_table(,%eax,2)        /* NOTE! not *4, bit0 is 0 already */
    popl %edx
    jmp rep_int
end:    movb $0x20,%al
    outb %al,$0x20        /* EOI */
    pop %ds
    pop %es
    popl %eax
    popl %ebx
    popl %ecx
    popl %edx
    addl $4,%esp        # jump over _table_list entry

    .long modem_status,write_char,read_char,line_status

.align 2
    addl $6,%edx        /* clear intr by reading modem status reg */
    inb %dx,%al

.align 2
    addl $5,%edx        /* clear intr by reading line status reg. */
    inb %dx,%al

.align 2
    inb %dx,%al
    movl %ecx,%edx
    subl $_table_list,%edx
    shrl $3,%edx
    movl (%ecx),%ecx        # read-queue
    movl head(%ecx),%ebx
    movb %al,buf(%ecx,%ebx)
    incl %ebx
    andl $size-1,%ebx
    cmpl tail(%ecx),%ebx
    je 1f
    movl %ebx,head(%ecx)
    pushl %edx
    call _do_tty_interrupt
    addl $4,%esp
1:    ret

.align 2
    movl 4(%ecx),%ecx        # write-queue
    movl head(%ecx),%ebx
    subl tail(%ecx),%ebx
    andl $size-1,%ebx        # nr chars in queue
    je write_buffer_empty
    cmpl $startup,%ebx
    ja 1f
    movl proc_list(%ecx),%ebx    # wake up sleeping process
    testl %ebx,%ebx            # is there any?
    je 1f
    movl $0,(%ebx)
1:    movl tail(%ecx),%ebx
    movb buf(%ecx,%ebx),%al
    outb %al,%dx
    incl %ebx
    andl $size-1,%ebx
    movl %ebx,tail(%ecx)
    cmpl head(%ecx),%ebx
    je write_buffer_empty
.align 2
    movl proc_list(%ecx),%ebx    # wake up sleeping process
    testl %ebx,%ebx            # is there any?
    je 1f
    movl $0,(%ebx)
1:    incl %edx
    inb %dx,%al
    jmp 1f
1:    jmp 1f
1:    andb $0xd,%al        /* disable transmit interrupt */
    outb %al,%dx